Wednesday, June 1, 2011

And the brainstorming begins

Let's get on to business, shall we? Whiskey Tea Cafe will debut in the very near future, after we get some basics down. First, I would like to know what gender my readers prefer the protagonist to be. I have a poll running until June 7 so please cast your vote before it ends. I should mention that the story will differ greatly depending on which gender is chosen.

The plot will involve the protagonist opening a tea cafe in the beautiful Emerald Coast of Florida (an illustration can't do it justice).

Whiskey tea will be the cafe's specialty drink.
Whiskey tea with chocolate chip biscotti

But other than that, everything is up in the air. I will be working on the first chapter while reclining on the white sandy beach with crystal blue-green waters five minutes away from my apartment. The tourist season is currently at its peak here, so I've been somewhat reluctant to venture outside my apartment complex except to purchase food and supplies. Yes, I know, I'm fairly reclusive.

I will also be perfecting my whiskey tea recipe (tea picture above was taken in my home), which means possible incoherent blog posts this next week since my alcohol tolerance post-college has plummeted to the negatives. You have been forewarned.

Right then...if you have any questions, please ask them by commenting or send me an email at jsblancarte[at]gmail[dot]com.

-J. S. Blancarte


Julia said...

i tried to reply to your comment on my blog, but it seems you haven't listed your email on blogger. i explain how to do it in this post:

that way people can reply directly to your comments, and you can reply to comments people leave you!

Anonymous said...

good start